Kenyal Tidak Mudah Hancur! Resep SAMBAL KRECEK [Favorit Keluarga]

Описание к видео Kenyal Tidak Mudah Hancur! Resep SAMBAL KRECEK [Favorit Keluarga]

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*English description is at the bottom section.*

00:00 : intro
01:10 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:19 : membuat bumbu halus (blending the spices)
02:39 : tumis bumbu halus (sautéing the spices)
03:01 : siapkan bahan pelengkap krecek (prepping other ingredients)
03:33 : memasak krecek (cooking the Krecek)
05:02 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepSambalKrecek #ResepGudegKrecek #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Sambal Krecek (untuk 11 porsi)

Bahan bumbu halus:
6 siung bawang putih
8 siung bawang merah
3 butir kemiri
8 buah cabai merah rebus
½ sdt terasi, opsional
60 ml minyak
50 ml air

Bahan lainnya:
2 lembar daun salam
1 batang serai, geprek
25 buah cabai rawit merah
30 buah cabai rawit hijau
100 gr tempe
300 gr kerupuk krecek
50 gr kacang tolo
100 ml santan
800 ml air
1 sdm garam
2 sdt penyedap
2 sdm gula pasir
1 sdm gula merah

nasi putih

1. Blender bawang merah, bawang putih, kemiri, terasi, cabai merah, minyak dan air hingga halus
2. Tumis bumbu hingga wangi dan mengeluarkan minyak lalu masukkan serai dan daun salam, tumis hingga wangi
3. Masukkan air dan santan. Potong tempe dan sebagian cabai rawit merah
4. Masukkan kacang tolo, tempe, cabai rawit merah, garam, penyedap, gula pasir dan gula merah, masak sekitar 10 menit
5. Masukkan kerupuk kulit, cabai rawit merah utuh dan cabai rawit hijau, masak di api kecil selama 30 menit atau hingga matang. Tambahkan sedikit air jika diperlukan
6. Sambal krecek siap disajikan


Sambal Krecek Recipe (yield 11 servings)

6 clove garlic
8 pc shallot
3 pc candlenut
8 pc red chili, boiled
½ tsp shrimp paste, optional
60 ml oil
50 ml water

2 pc bay leaf
1 pc lemongrass, pounded
25 pc red Thai chili
30 pc green Thai chili
100 g tempeh
300 g krecek
50 g tolo nut
100 ml coconut milk
800 ml water
1 tbsp salt
2 tsp MSG
2 tbsp white sugar
1 tbsp palm sugar


1. Blend shallots, garlic, candlenuts, shrimp paste, red chili, oil, and water until smooth.
2. Sauté the blended spices until fragrant and oily. Add lemongrass and bay leaf. Cook until fragrant.
3. Add water and coconut milk. Slice the tempeh and some of the red Thai chili.
4. Add tolo nuts, tempeh, red Thai chili, salt, MSG, white sugar, palm sugar. Cook for about 10 minutes.
5. Add krecek, whole red and green Thai chili. Cook on low for 30 minutes or until cooked. Add water if needed.
6. Sambal Krecek is ready to serve.


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