骨質疏鬆不做彎腰動作I示範什麼運動可以做-脊醫王鳳恩(中/Eng Sub)Osteoporosis no bending exercises instead doing this-Dr Wong DC

Описание к видео 骨質疏鬆不做彎腰動作I示範什麼運動可以做-脊醫王鳳恩(中/Eng Sub)Osteoporosis no bending exercises instead doing this-Dr Wong DC

今天我會跟大家說下骨質疏鬆症,有很多病人都問我知不知道自己有骨質疏鬆的呢?我能說其實你感覺不到的, 因為通常都是因跌倒骨頭斷了或者裂了,這樣你才發現自己有骨質疏鬆症. 所以當我們還沒有到這麼慘地步之前, 我們會建議病人去做骨質密度的測試. 其實你可以選擇Dexa, 是一個 x 光的素描, 這個就比較準確點的. 通常是掃描你的腰部和掃描你的髖關節的地方而得出一個數據如果數據是負2.5或以下, 其實你已經是患上了骨質疏鬆的. 有些病人也問始終你說那個dexa是X光的, 始終都是有輻射的也不適合常常做. 我們有些什麼測試可以能夠做一個screening. 我建議其實可以利用這個叫超聲波的骨質密度的檢查...

Today I will talk to you about osteoporosis. Many patients have asked me how would they know if they have osteoporosis. I can say that you actually can't feel it. Usually when you fall and have fracture in your bones,
then you realized you have osteoporosis. So before it gets to that severe stage I also recommend that patients get a bone density test. You can choose Dexa, which is an X-ray imaging technique. This is more accurate, they usually scan your lumbar spine and hips, if the data shows a T-score of -2.5 or lower. Then you already have osteoporosis. Some patients also ask that since Dexa uses X-raysIt has radiation, so it's not good to do it frequently. So what other tests can we do for screening?I suggest using an ultrasound bone sonometer....

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