🇧🇷 Driving Tour Belem - Brazil - 1080HD

Описание к видео 🇧🇷 Driving Tour Belem - Brazil - 1080HD


Belém , often called Belém do Pará [ 7 ] ( region initially called Mairi , [ 8 ] Portuguese topology: Feliz Lusitânia ) is a Brazilian municipality and capital of the state of Pará , [ 9 ] founded on January 12, 1616 as the Portuguese colonial village Feliz Lusitânia by Captain Francisco Caldeira Castelo Branco, on the shores of Guajará Bay and Guamá River, in the North region of Brazil[ 10 ] atlatitude01º27'21"southandlongitude48º30'16"west. [ 11 ] being about 2 120 kmfrom the federal capitalBrasilia. [ 12 ]

The municipality is formed by two parts: the continental area and the Insular area composed of forty-two islands (which are 65% of its territory). Due to being part of the Eastern Amazon, it results in a hot humid climate and in the rainiest capital of Brazil. It is the most populous municipality in Pará and the second in the North [ 13 ] with a population of 1,506,420 inhabitants. [ 14 ] [ 15 ] Classified as one of the capitals with the best quality of life in the North of Brazil, with an HDI of 0.746 (high), [ 5 ] occupying the 22nd position in the ranking ofHDI per capital . [ 14 ] [ 16 ]

In its 400 years of history, Belém has experienced moments of fullness, such as: its transformation into a tax warehouse in the 17th century , which supervised trade between the Amazon and Europe in a privileged strategic position; In the 19th century, the opening of the Amazonian rivers to international traders took place, contributing to a new development of the capital; the golden period of rubber in the 20th century , receiving European immigrants who influenced the architecture and local economy, being known at the time as “Tropical Paris” and “Francesinha do Norte” [ 17 ] becoming cosmopolitanand modern in several aspects [ 18 ] without losing the traditionality of the facades of colonial buildings . [ 19 ] [ 20 ] In the last two decades, it underwent a strong movement towards verticalization, due to new trends in civil construction and the urban plan of the 1940s in Avenida Presidente Vargas . [ 21 ]

The city exerts significant influence as a regional metropolis , covering more than eight million people in the states of Pará, Amapá and part of Maranhão , whether from a cultural , economic or political point of view . [ 22 ] [ 23 ] It has important and historic fortifications , churches , monuments , parks and museums , such as: Theatro da Paz , Emílio Goeldi Museum , Mangal das Garças Park ,Ver-o-Peso , Feliz Lusitânia and, [ 24 ] cultural and religious events of great repercussion such as the Círio de Nazaré . [ 25 ]


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