星洲炒米🍳你從未睇過👁👁真係估唔到😱 點解 ? 醬料唔好自己做👋唔油膩👍好食過💯大排檔 茶餐廳♦️♦️做法 夠哂✅ 直接簡單 Singaporean fried rice noodles

Описание к видео 星洲炒米🍳你從未睇過👁👁真係估唔到😱 點解 ? 醬料唔好自己做👋唔油膩👍好食過💯大排檔 茶餐廳♦️♦️做法 夠哂✅ 直接簡單 Singaporean fried rice noodles

⬇️⬇️English recipe follows ⬇️⬇️


1. 急凍蝦仁,清水解凍。
2. 三色椒,去籽,清水洗乾淨,切條。
3. 乾蔥頭,去皮,洗乾淨,切碎,代替洋蔥。
4. 叉燒,切幼條。
5. 蔥,切段。
6. 蝦仁,解凍後,清水沖洗乾淨,廚紙索乾。
7. 蝦仁,用大地魚粉半茶匙調味,撈勻。
8. 預備咖哩醬汁:
a. 清水100毫升
b. 咖哩醬1茶匙,攪勻。
c. 糖1湯匙,攪勻。

1. 大火在鑊中煲滾1鑊水。
2. 加入鹽半茶匙。
3. 放米粉煮1分鐘,至軟身,擎乾水,夾起放碗中,加入咖哩醬汁,撈勻,冚蓋,焗2分鐘。
4. 大火在鑊中燒熱油2湯匙。
5. 打勻雞蛋,倒入鑊中,煎成蛋餅,撥向鑊邊。
6. 放乾蔥頭、三色椒及叉燒落鑊。
7. 在鑊中切碎雞蛋,炒勻,撥向鑊邊。
8. 放蝦仁在鑊中心煎透。如油不夠,可加入少量,炒勻。
9. 夾起米粉,放鑊中,加入少許咖哩醬汁,炒勻。
10. 咖哩醬汁要逐少、逐少加入,才不會令米炒
11. 在鑊邊加入生抽1湯匙,有焦香的味道。
12. 加入銀芽及蔥段。
13. 加入少量鑊尾油,炒勻。
14. 上碟,可享用。

Singaporean fried rice noodles

Fried rice vermicelli 1 No.
Frozen shrimps 12 Nos.
Char siu 150g
Eggs 2 Nos.
Bean sprouts 30g
Tri~colour bell peppers little
Shallots 2 Nos.
Green onion little

1. Frozen shrimps, defrost with tap water.
2. The bell peppers, remove seeds. Rinse and slice.
3. Shallots, get them peeled. Rinse and chop.
4. Char siu, thinly slice.
5. Green onion, cut in lengths.
6. Shrimps, rinse after defrost. Dry with kitchen towel.
7. Shrimps, season with dried flounder powder 0.5 tsp, mix well.
8. Prepare curry sauce:
a. Water 100ml
b. Curry paste 1 tsp, mix well.
c. Sugar 1 tbsp, mix well.

1. Heat up a wok of water at high flame.
2. Put 0.5 tsp salt in water.
3. Put rice vermicelli, cook for a minute until it turns soft. Hang dry, put it in a bowl. Mix with the curry sauce well. Cover it up for 2 minutes.
4. Heat up oil 2 tbsp at high flame in wok.
5. Beat 2 eggs well. Pour into the wok, make it as a pancake. Put it to side of wok.
6. Put shallots, bell peppers and char siu in wok.
7. Cut the egg pancake in small pieces. Fry well. Put it to side of wok.
8. Put shrimps in the middle of wok. If oil is not enough, just add a little. Fry well.
9. Pick up rice vermicelli, put in wok, add little curry sauce. Fry well.
10. Curry sauce, put into wok, little by little, this will not make the vermicelli to be too soft.
11. Put light soya sauce 1 tbsp alongside the wok to enhance the taste.
12. Put bean sprouts and green onion.
13. Add little oil, fry well.
14. Put on plate. Serve.

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