A Guide to Isometric Training for Awesome Power

Описание к видео A Guide to Isometric Training for Awesome Power

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Overcoming isometrics are exercises that involve pulling or pushing against an 'immovable force'. This might mean trying to curl a dumbbell that is chained to the ground, or push down a wall. This form of training can help us to tap into 'dormant' strength by improving our muscle fibre recruitment and removing our central nervous system's 'training wheels'. The result is that we can call upon much more power, much more quickly and effectively. This is a form of training used by Bruce Lee, and by Dennis Rogers - who some believe to be the strongest man alive pound for pound.

I discussed this form of training and its benefits before on the channel, but I thought I'd revisit the subject now I have more viewers and also so that I could go into more depth regarding the best strategies. I touch upon some new concepts such as 'ballistic isometrics' and the ideal time under tension. In future, I may discuss how to use yielding isometrics for mass gains too.


Music Credits

Chasing the Light by Olivaw


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