Tasting of my Maris Otter + Simcoe SMaSH + Recipe

Описание к видео Tasting of my Maris Otter + Simcoe SMaSH + Recipe

Brew day video -    • Easy All Grain Brew Day - Maris Otter...  

This brew day is part experiment and part feeding my desire to shorten a typical brew day and make it super simple. The recipe is based on the beer "Electric Puha" from Deep Creek Brewery.

Recipe is for 10L batch (into the fermenter excluding trub left behind in the boiler)

66C mash (30 min + 15 min 76-77C mash out)
30 min boil
No sparge
3.25kgs of Maris Otter Malt
100gms Simcoe hops (14.2% alpha acid)
1 pack of US05 yeast
1/2 tsp calcium sulphate added to the mash
1/2 whirfloc tablet added at 10 mins from end of boil.

Simcoe hops were added at 4 mins from the end of boil to give 37IBU and then the wort immediately chilled down to yeast pitching temp. By the time the wort has dropped below 80C you'll probably be looking at closer to mid 40IBU, so basically target a slightly lower IBU than you want for your finished beer.

Ferment at 18C and then start raising the temperature for the last 3 to 21C for a diacetyl rest and also to help the yeast clean up any unwanted byproducts created during active fermentation.

OG = 1.046, FG = 1.008, ABV=4.99%,

Any questions please ask.


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