Running my first ultra after signing up a week before!

Описание к видео Running my first ultra after signing up a week before!

A glimpse of my week of training before my first ultra plus a little race recap. I had so much fun both training for and racing this event. It was such a wonderful group of people who put it together. Much love to Ecopath Endurance for their hard work on keeping the trails we run on free of trash and leaving as little of a mark as possible. Also for their desire to inspire, mentor, and provide racing for young ultra runners both new and experienced. It was such an honor to be a part of the mentorship program. It was so cool to race the first ever gamified ultra “capture the flags” style!

I was able to secure 4 total flags for my team and have a blast doing so! It was such an approachable method to ultra racing being that it was a 6 hour time limit rather than a certain distance to cover. If anyone is looking to get into ultra racing but still in the beginning stages I highly recommend racing the capture the flags ultra next year. Also make sure to keep up with the Ecopath Endurance social media and website because they do cool things all the time! Here is their website:

Thank you for watching! Feel free to leave any advice for this ultra-aspiring runner! (It’s greatly needed).
X.O. Renee


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