So I Joined My Last Pokémon Draft League...

Описание к видео So I Joined My Last Pokémon Draft League...

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   / @theuzigunner  

It's been a wonderful ride. But all things must come to an end (for now). The Thunderclap Titan's Final Pokemon Draft League of 2024 as we are once again competing in the only draft league which we never were able to make playoffs, the Pokemon Premier League. After all these seasons, do we have what it takes to right this wrong? FIND OUT NOW!

Footage credit:

@CBAD (idk why the @ isn't working)

All coaches:

CBAD:    / @cbad  
JRicky:    / @jricky8  
OnesieBanette:    / @onesiebanette  
Drewby:    / @drewby39  
IronBoffin:    / @ironboffin  
QtheCostaRican:    / @qthecostarican  
Elly:    / @ellysux  
Darya:    / @darya.minnemeows  
Greyvee:    / @greyveeedl  
JustWeavile:    / @justweavile  
Mathew Drafts:    / @mathewdrafts  
Mefesto:    / @donmefesto  
Mountaih:    / @mountaih  
Necrostevo:    / @necrostevo  
Nexus:    / @numbnexus  
PokeaimMD:    / @pokeaimmd  
Shroomraver:    / @shroomraver  
TheDonphanatic:    / @thedonphanatic  
TheUziGunner:    / @theuzigunner  
Vepsis:    / @vepsis  


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