HMC Watch for Rolling Rocks 0.5xA Console-Verified Alternate Route

Описание к видео HMC Watch for Rolling Rocks 0.5xA Console-Verified Alternate Route

I show an alternate route for HMC Watch for Rolling Rocks 0.5x A presses, which doesn't crash on console and has been console verified. Originally, it was believed that locking the camera in the main map was sufficient for preventing PU crashes. However, it was later discovered that there were other phenomena that caused PU crashes as well. These include:
- doing partial quarter frame movement while on the ground
- doing full frame movement while on the ground with no control stick input
- colliding with a wall head-on at PU speed
Since I had done the first two of these in the original Watch for Rolling Rocks route, this meant that that route would crash on console, and so it was only viable on the virtual console (where PU crashes don't occur). Consequently, it was desirable to determine whether Watch for Rolling Rocks 0.5x was a virtual console only strat (like the Secret Aquarium 0x entry is) or could be done on N64 console. This video shows that it's the latter case, which is good for the A button challenge.

This route might seem exactly like the original one, but there are many subtle differences. Mainly, since doing partial quarter frame movement while on the ground causes a console crash, all partial quarter frame movement is now done by switching between the ground and the air, which interrupts Mario's quarter frame movement without causing a console crash. This is how I get onto and off of the triangle sequence up from the lake. This is also how I adjust Mario's QPU alignment in the elevator room right before the final PU movement. Also, the triangle sequence had to be changed from the original route, since I now had to choose only triangles that are adjacent. With adjacent triangles, I could navigate from one triangle to the next on the 4th quarter step of a movement frame, that way the abrupt change in syncing speed didn't interrupt Mario's quarter steps part way through. Additionally, I had to take a more roundabout route to get from the first elevator to the second elevator, which involved passing through the toxic gas room. Interestingly, I also had to wait near a swooper at one point, which was annoying because the swooper would attack Mario, causing him to lose all his speed. Fortunately, I found a simple fix for this, which was to strategically pause buffer in order to only let the swooper fly while in the phase of its yaw oscillations at which it was facing to the right of Mario. By doing this, I managed to make the swooper just barely miss Mario.

Thanks to Timestoppa for helping me put together this new route, as he helped me realize the value of diagonal PU movement, and also helped with the air movement from the HSWing spot to the first triangle in the sequence.
Thanks to rcombs for console verifying this strat using his Arduino:   / vivaciousimpossiblecocoafailfish  
For anyone curious, here are images of my workspace, where I did all the calculations for this route as well as for the auxiliary screens:

.m64 stats:
Re-records: 5632
Length: 15 hours and 16.2 minutes
Frames: 3298323 (1648800 input)


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