One Life to Live 11/22/1990

Описание к видео One Life to Live 11/22/1990

Miles and Yusef give Kerry a hard time for disappearing overnight, but Kerry says the main thing is that everyone came back in one piece. Greg arrives at the club and he seems surprised to see Kerry there, alive and unharmed. His attention is quickly diverted when Dan and Laura walk into the club. Greg confronts Dan, but Dan says his days of tossing Laura around are over. Dan says Greg can’t come within 50 feet of Laura or her family or he’ll go to jail; he presents Greg with a restraining order, signed by a judge that morning. Greg is incensed and runs at Dan, but Troy gets between them.and stops the fight. Greg says he won’t let a piece of paper get between him and what belongs to him. Troy says he’d better; if Greg threatens Laura again or violates the court order, he’ll be in jail before he knows what’s happened. Greg backs down and says he knows when he’s been beaten, but Laura expects the other shoe to drop soon. Charlotte wakes up to use the bathroom and, finding Jake is not beside her, decides she can try to make her own way to the bathroom. Lucky arrives to pick Megan up and he nearly blows Jake’s cover when he calls for Megan. Jake tells him he’s confused–he’s just there with Charlotte. Charlotte invites Lucky to stay for Thanksgiving dinner and Lucky–always thinking with his stomach first–accepts. Jake and Megan have to silently convince him to leave. Tina wishes Asa a happy Thanksgiving, and Asa says he’s happy that she was exposed and is no longer a part of his family. He tries to throw her out (perhaps forgetting that Llanfair is the Lord family home, not the Buchananan family). Cord sets the old man straight and even defends Tina’s motives. Bo and Max drag Asa out of the library against his will, still screaming about how Tina doesn’t deserve to be treated like family. Bo invites Alex and Lisa to Thanksgiving dinner. Kevin says he’s going to a rap show at the club (which he calls the Stoplight), and Bo suggests he take Lisa with him. Kevin promises they’ll be back by dinner.

K Funk Mob performs for a sell out crowd at the Spotlight. Afterwards, Kerry gets accolades from Kevin, Lisa, and even Rika, but Troy says he can’t allow Kerry to perform anymore. Troy says he spoke to the dean at Boston College and Kerry can make up the classes he’s missed. Kerry is mad that his dad is interfering, but Troy gives him a one-way ticket back to Boston. Kerry tells his bandmates about his father’s ultimatum. Miles says maybe Troy will lighten up if they get a legitimate gig and tells them they landed an audition to be on Fraternity Row. They tell Kerry he can’t desert them now–he’s got to ditch the ticket and come to the audition. Rika tells them to ease off. Herron brings out champagne for a toast and Bo toasts to Max joining them, hoping it is the first of many holidays they’ll spend together. Asa interrupts to cause trouble once again and when Cord tells him to stand down, he threatens to disinherit Cord entirely. Tina goes out to the patio to calm down and Gabrielle joins her, intending to cause even more consternation and discord between her and the Buchanans. Alex tells Bo she quit the Bureau; she’s staying in Llanview and is joining a local law firm. Alex hopes this will be a more productive way to find her father. Kevin says he hopes his grandfather has calmed down by the time they get back to Llanfair. Lisa says at least his family didn’t get power hungry and get someone killed like her father did. Kevin suggests Lisa come to his school, since she doesn’t want to face the people at her old school after what her father did. He promises no one will bother her about her father unless they want to answer to him. Jake bastes the turkey and then turns to put it back in the oven. He notices Charlotte steps back, out of the way of the hot pan, as he turns. He asks if maybe she was able to see him just then. She doesn’t think so.


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