Day 90: Celebrate - Final Day of the 90-Day Novel Challenge

Описание к видео Day 90: Celebrate - Final Day of the 90-Day Novel Challenge

It's the final day of the 90-Day Novel Challenge. This is such an incredible accomplishment, and you deserve to celebrate!

The way we see it, you have two major achievements:

You wrote a novel and proved you are a top 1% writer!

You developed the skills and discipline you needed to write a novel manuscript in just 90 days!

Whether you finish today, are already finished, or will finish soon, take the time to celebrate! This is a real lifetime achievement, and you earned it.

Shop 90-Day Novel Champion merchandise here: Grab yourself something to celebrate, and use it as a reminder of what you're capable of.

ARE YOU A 90-DAY NOVEL CHALLENGE WINNER? Send us an email at [email protected], and we'll mail you a free champion sticker (U.S. Residents only) and a discount coupon for any other 90-Day Novel Challenge merch to help you celebrate.

We're not worried about technicalities. If you need a few extra days or you had some written before the challenge but you've now finished it, you're still a winner in our book. We want to celebrate you!

ASSIGNMENT: Finish your manuscript.


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