Medical Yoga Rx for Spinal Stenosis, Spondylosis, & Spondylolisthesis

Описание к видео Medical Yoga Rx for Spinal Stenosis, Spondylosis, & Spondylolisthesis

Medical Yoga Rx for Spinal Stenosis, Spondylosis, & Spondylolisthesis

No back-bending in this program, which is contraindicated for spinal stenosis, spondylosis, and spondylolisthesis with back pain and without back pain. Back extensors are still strengthened without the back-bending. Yoga for beginners, intermediate, and advanced. Yoga for morning or bedtime. Rx Yoga is great for strengthening, stretching, balance, relaxation, flexibility, meditation, sleep, sciatica, digestion, core, and weight loss. Rx Yoga results in decreasing depression, anxiety, back pain, and joint pain. Rx Yoga is great for men, women, teens and even children (kids).

Come see us at Firm Water Road

Firm Water Road supplies Lifestyle Medicine Treatments
1. Therapeutic Services from Medical Professionals
2. Transformational Travel
3. Online/Live Education Curriculum

Your Instructor:
Dr. Kim Byrd-Rider, PT, DPT
Kim is a hard-working, board-certified physical therapist for hospitals, out-patient clinics, home health, ICU and skilled nursing facilities. She taught over 12,000 yoga classes (1990s) BEFORE going to college to become a PT. Kim definitely knows how to orchestrate multifaceted orthopedic and neurological pain solutions using both holistic and science-based approaches together. She is a national expert at it and teaches other PTs how to do this effectively.

Her planet-sized love of education, passion for social change, curiosity for the mystical holistic world, and knowledge of the hard sciences have now collided together, and she has birthed a star...Firm Water Road (2022); a champion for wholeness, resilience, and peace. This star emanates educational hope for a better world.

She doesn't do this alone. She recruits scientists and wisdom art masters to help her help you navigate as you shift into technicolor living. Cross-pollinating scientific evidence with mystical wisdom and recruiting navigators who deliver beyond expectations is her gift. She has a very discerning eye with a midwestern sense of humor.

Harvard University

Boston University

University of Oklahoma

1993-2002 & Beyond
Yoga, Pilates, Holistic

Published by Dr. Kim:
Books: The Therapy Bible on Yoga, & Forward Head: The Evil Arch-Enemy
DVDs: choreographer, producer, and presenter of over 50 yoga exercises DVDs for 50 specific diagnoses. Free on YouTube for everyone to benefit from.

Join us at Firm Water Road

Firm Water Road’s Mission: To drive social change from fear, violence, and tribalism and toward wholeness, resilience, and peace for a better world.

Firm Water Road’s Vision: To remove negative bio-psycho-social health obstacles from one person at a time by providing individual experiences and learnings from new scientific findings and ancient life masters.

What we do: Firm Water Road supplies the science-based conduit or map for individual growth and subsequent change. We successfully deliver an accessible online curriculum, clear in-person services, and transformational travel to provide quality medical-grade self-care for healthcare. We offer a fresh and comprehensive solution approach to our current health crises.

What we believe: Life’s journey is about you managing you with grace, ease, and poise. All the rest will fall into place. Socrates, the founder of Western Philosophy in ancient Greece (400 BCE), stated, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” We agree. We also believe that you cannot go unescorted into your soul. Examining your life is an epic quest and a road of discipline, development, and mentorship. It is a dangerous journey alone; full of ego pitfalls, neurotic quicksand, and distracting detours. Famous Indian Siddha master of Eastern Philosophy, Muktananda (1970’s CE) said, “A seeker is confused when he doesn't have a guide.” We agree. We have found the maps and the navigators you will need for a safe journey. Join us and the masters. Start today. Wherever you are on this road is the perfect starting point.

Visit us at Firm Water Road


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