Dialogic OD vs. Diagnostic OD

Описание к видео Dialogic OD vs. Diagnostic OD

Dialogic OD vs. Diagnostic OD: the what, why, and how of both forms of organization development...
►►► Hybrid OD: The Emerging Future of Organization Development → https://henosispartners.com/hybridod

There continues to be a debate about what form or approach to OD is better – diagnostic OD or dialogic OD. As a practitioner, your level of awareness of both forms is important, as knowing about and leveraging both approaches can help you achieve greater results in your own organizational transformation efforts.

So…in today’s episode, we will discuss (and compare) each OD approach to better understand what each form offers us as change agents and if there is opportunity (or value) to leverage, integrate both approaches when performing our change work.

In this episode, you’ll learn:
 What are the differences between diagnostic and dialogic OD
 Why there is a need for utilizing both diagnostic and dialogic OD
 How integrating both OD approaches actually form a more powerful problem-solving methodology

0:00 Dialogic OD vs. Diagnostic OD
2:30 Defining Diagnostic OD
3:21 History of Diagnostic OD
4:35 Philosophy and Tools of Diagnostic OD
5:52 Problem-Solving Approach of Diagnostic OD
7:15 Pros and Cons of Diagnostic OD
8:56 Defining Dialogic OD
10:15 History of Dialogic OD
11:09 Philosophy and Tools of Dialogic OD
14:04 Problem-Solving Approach of Dialogic OD
16:22 Pros and Cons of Dialogic OD
18:26 The Case for Integrating Diagnostic & Dialogic OD
21:42 Introducing Hybrid OD


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