Rayman PSX - Picture City

Описание к видео Rayman PSX - Picture City

Quite an annoying area to say the least, although a very colourful one. The pencil colours seem to change every time you play, although I imagine there is only a set amount of combinations. Heck you'll even see one change colour as I go off screen.
Space Mama is probably the hardest boss in the game to work out a pattern too, the rest seem pretty simple in comparison. Her first form isn't too bad, but the second form takes a while. The washing machine segment is probably the hardest. Well it looks like a washing machine anyway. She has a set pattern for the way she fires here.

So far out of the bosses only the first, Bzzt has managed to inflict damage on me. Will any of the others? Well... there's two more left, so we'll have to see.


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