SCZ Neural Sim - Beauvoir 13 6.8s [39320] Infinite Sight M4T2 (Cherno 9.1s, Siris 9.2s)

Описание к видео SCZ Neural Sim - Beauvoir 13 6.8s [39320] Infinite Sight M4T2 (Cherno 9.1s, Siris 9.2s)

Dawntrail - FFXIV

Turns out IS cant beat Swift on Katya after all, so ends up the optimal spread uses her here on B13 instead - and she is indeed quite good at it. Handily beats out Cherno (since Tess is locked to the other boss), and Siris is cucked by the thermal resist. Honestly all 3 feel pretty comparable in terms of general strength for Neural Sim, especially when you consider Lyfe should get a better support when new Fenny releases. Lyfe is just much more ballistic dmg heavy so we'll probably see each excel at different bosses. Lyfe is also pretty fun to play tbh, it's just a shame they ruined her design with those horribly fake looking balloon tits.

Lyfe - Infinite Sight
This is not the optimal team - Kaguya would give a slightly better time (up to ~1s faster by killing one dodge shot earlier) due to giving much better buffs than Eatchel, but pulling Kaguya off the Swift team on Katya Frostcap would cost more than that so it's not worth it. (And I am most definitely not resetting my teams just to do that once - the 4.3s Swift run was extremely difficult). Enya actually does give more damage here, but using her support skill costs a tiny bit (0.2s) more time (the time cost is so low because you can cancel the Lyfe skill with it, then cancel the Enya skill back with Lyfe dodge atk) and you end up killing at the same spot (5th dodge atk) anyways.

My damage is super tight here and theres a bunch of rng - I'm relying on enough bullet crits to get over the line damage wise, plus the MX5 support skill must tick before the first Lyfe dodge atk otherwise you lose a bunch of damage (from Amarna not being applied yet) - which is just server-tick rng.

With M5 and better logis you can probably push this a bit further - you can spam Lyfe's skill on spawn and then instantly cancel it into the MX5 skill. This is slightly worse damage due to not tagging the kebechet with Lyfe skill, but with bit more damage it would totally work. This would probably save quite a bit of time due to not having to let the Lyfe skill animation play out longer.

Lyfe - Infinite Sight - M4T2 Nova
Mauxir - Shadow Ka - M5T2 Twilight
Eatchel - The Cub - M3T2 Lux

Cherno - Enigma
Cherno is a bit sad without Tess - I need a full 3 orb summon AND good M1 RNG in order to kill the boss this fast ... and it's still not comparable to IS. That's not to say IS is the better dps, just in this scenario (Cherno full pop is overkill, no Tess available, large shield favoring ballistic dmg) the breakpoints work out in IS's favor.

Cherno - Enigma - M5T2 Dziady
Mauxir - Shadow Ka - M5T2 Twilight
Enya - Exuvia - M3T2 Areca

Siris - Ksana
This siris run is really sad with the 3 extra shotgun shots that I needed to add in order to kill. She could probably actually get ~7.9s if I didn't have to do any of them - blame the thermal resistance for that (and me lacking M5). The run seems to be a lot easier this week that last time - B13 is super consistent about teleporting to that left side, it was FAR more RNG the last time we saw this boss, so something definitely changed with his AI.

Siris - Ksana - M4T2 Scarab
Mauxir - Shadow Ka - M5T2 Twilight
Enya - Exuvia - M3T2 Areca

0:00 Lyfe - Infinite Sight (6.8s)
0:29 Cherno - Enigma (9.1s)
0:56 Siris - Ksana (9.2s)

Week of 2024-07-09


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