「山東文物特展」研討會Seminar on Shandong Relics Exhibition

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「禮樂和合 探知齊魯——山東文物特展」研討會(普通話主講)

講題 (一):海岱地區文明化進程

講題 (二):齊魯文化的闡釋與弘揚

Seminar on “Harmony of Rites and Music: Exploring the Qilu Culture through Shandong Relics” Exhibition (In Putonghua)

Topic (1): The Civilisation Process of Haidai Region
Speaker: Ms. WANG Fen (Dean, School of Archaeology, Shandong University /
Curator of Shandong University Museum)
Haidai region had experienced a linear, continuous, gradual and comprehensive development sequence from Houli Culture, Beixin Culture, Dawenkou Culture to Longshan Culture during the Neolithic period. Its development from an egalitarian society to a stratified one is clear. From the emergence of “political entities” during the middle to late Dawenkou period, to the proliferation of states during Longshan and Yueshi Cultures, the regional culture eventually became part of the mainstream ancient Chinese civilization after interactions with Xia and Shang dynasties of Central Plains.

Topic (2): The Interpretation and Promotion of the Qilu Culture
Speaker: Mr. LIU Yanchang (Director (Chief Curator), Shandong Museum)
Qilu Culture refers to the archaeological culture of Shandong region during Zhou dynasty; it is the regional culture formed by the interaction and integration of Qi Culture, Lu Culture, Ju Culture as well as the cultures from the multiple ancient states. This land of rich cultures which gave birth to the Hundred Schools of Thought has been the paradigm of the splendid traditional Chinese culture. Based on the archaeological discoveries and researches, the components, background and development process of Qilu Culture are explored in order to fathom, interpret, promote and inherit the traditional Chinese culture.

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