嶺南傳統陶塑瓦脊講座 Lecture on Lingnan Traditional Pottery Ridges

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Public Lecture: Lecture on Lingnan Traditional Pottery Ridges

Speaker: Mr. He Zhanquan (Municipal Representative Bearer of Zhongshan City for Making Pottery Decorative Ridges for Historic Buildings, a representative item on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Guangdong Province)


Ridges decorated with pottery sculptures are commonly found in Lingnan traditional architecture which demonstrate the high relief carving art and aesthetic standard of the time. During Ming and Qing dynasties, pottery figurine ridges depicting historical stories and legendary tales extracted from Cantonese Opera were widely received by the people in the Lingnan region due to the popularity and development of Cantonese opera. The pottery ridges enhanced the artistic expression in ancestral halls and temples, thus becoming one of the main characteristics of Lingnan traditional architecture. The speaker will introduce the characteristics of pottery ridge and production workflow, as well as share his experience in the conservation work of the pottery ridges of Lo Pan Temple in Hong Kong.

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