
Описание к видео 【ヨルダン編】そら豆とひよこ豆のコロッケ「ファラフェル」のピタサンド|Jordan|Falafel

   • ヨルダン大使館  


00:00 紹介ムービー
01:25 調理説明
02:13 材料一覧

ひよこ豆(一晩浸水したものor水煮缶) 2カップ
そら豆(生or冷凍) 1カップ
スライス玉ねぎ 1/2個
ニンニク 2片
刻みコリアンダー 1束分
刻みパセリ 1束分
クミン 小さじ1
オニオンパウダー 小さじ1
ガーリックパウダー 小さじ1
塩 小さじ1
水 大さじ1~2
ベーキングソーダ(重曹) 小さじ1/2
ベーキングパウダー 小さじ 1/2
植物油(揚げ油) 適量 

Chickpeas 2cups
Broad beans 1cups
Onion slice 1/2
Garlic 2
Coriander 1 bundle
Parsley 1 bundle
Cumin 1tsp
Onion powder 1tsp
Garlic powder 1tsp
Salt 1tsp
Water 1~2tbsp
Baking soda 1/2tsp
baking powder 1/2tsp
Vegetable oil (Fried oil) as needed



   / @bs4_kitchen  

【Instagram】  / amazingembassycooking  
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Learn how to make a delicious and healthy falafel sandwich using chickpeas and fava beans. The dough is made by blending the ingredients and shaping them into small balls before frying. Enjoy this popular Middle Eastern dish at home and imagine your next trip to Jordan.

[00:01] Falafel is a popular and delicious food made with chickpeas and fava beans, often enjoyed as a sandwich.
- The bread used for the falafel sandwich is a pocket bread.
- The sandwich is typically filled with hummus, falafel, and tomatoes.
- Falafel is easy to make and the ingredients are healthy.

[02:09] Falafel is a popular food in Jordan, often eaten for breakfast and considered a healthy fast food.
- Falafel should be made with small pieces of ingredients.
- Only a small amount of water should be added at a time.
- The mixture should have a delicious smell of coriander, parsley, and other ingredients.
- Additional water can be added as needed.

[04:30]The video provides tips for making falafel, including adding baking soda and baking powder to the dough and using a falafel maker or spoon for shaping.
- The dough for the falafel is ready after adding baking soda and baking powder and letting it sit for 10 minutes.
- Soybean oil or corn oil is recommended for frying falafel.
- A falafel maker or spoon can be used to shape the falafel.

[06:50] Falafel is typically eaten as a sandwich and is a popular, affordable, and delicious dish in Jordan.
- It is important to eat falafel while it's still hot.
- One way of enjoying falafel is by dipping it in hummus.
- Falafel sandwiches are a typical and affordable option.
- Falafel is made with affordable and healthy ingredients.


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