使用肌內效貼布保護腳踝 | Kinesiology Taping for Ankle Stability

Описание к видео 使用肌內效貼布保護腳踝 | Kinesiology Taping for Ankle Stability

踝關節扭傷是生活和運動中的常見傷。踝關節貼紮技術不但能降低踝關節扭傷的發生率,還會減輕踝關節扭傷的嚴重程度。其主要機制是通過機械支持,增強本體感覺和限制關節活動度,使踝關節穩定性提高。本視頻介紹如何運用肌內效貼布的貼紮來提高腳踝的穩定度, 從而預防踝關節扭傷。

Ankle sprain is a common injury in life and sports. Ankle taping technology can reduce not only the incidence but also the severity of ankle injuries. The main mechanism is to enhance proprioception and limit joint mobility through mechanical support so that the stability of the ankle joint is improved. This video demonstrates the application of Kinesiology tape to enhance the stability of the ankle and thus prevent ankle sprain.

**肌內效貼全膝蓋輔助保護貼法 | Kinesiology Taping For Full Knee Support:    • 肌内效贴全膝盖辅助保护贴法 | Kinesiology Taping Fo...   **

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