大日如來心咒 (毗盧遮那佛咒) Vairocana Buddha Mantra | 432Hz 療癒頻率 | 1小時100遍 | 消除業障・智慧圓滿

Описание к видео 大日如來心咒 (毗盧遮那佛咒) Vairocana Buddha Mantra | 432Hz 療癒頻率 | 1小時100遍 | 消除業障・智慧圓滿

🌟 歡迎來到這段神聖療癒的音頻! 🌟
這是一段 大日如來心咒 (毗盧遮那佛咒) 誦念音頻,搭配 432Hz 療癒頻率,循環播放 100遍,持續 1小時。適合冥想、淨化身心與智慧啟迪的修持練習。

✨ 關於大日如來 (毗盧遮那佛):


大日如來心咒 (毗盧遮那佛咒) 是密宗修行的重要咒語,能賦予智慧與光明,消除業障、解脫束縛,引領眾生達到究竟解脫與大智慧境界。

🎶 大日如來心咒經文:
嗡 南謨巴噶瓦帝 桑爾瓦多爾嘎德
Om Namo Ba ga va te Sar va te Ga te

牟尼素怛呢閏恩雜雅 怛阿陀噶打雅 阿爾哈德
Var su da ni Ra ja ya Ta Tha Ga Ta Ya Ar ha te

Sam Yak Sam Bu da ya

怛雅他 嗡 殊達呢 殊達呢 薩爾瓦阿巴阿瓦
Ta ya Tha Om Su da ni Su da ni Sar va Pa Weng

波殊達呢 素底 叭素底
Va sho da ni Su de Va su de

薩爾瓦嘎爾嘛 阿瓦忍恩納 叭殊達呢 耶娑訶
Sar wa Kar ma Ava ra na Va sho da na Ye Soha

✨ 聆聽這段音頻的好處:
淨化業障與負能量: 消除過去與累世的業障,清除障礙與煩惱。
智慧啟迪與心靈開悟: 啟發智慧與洞察力,幫助修行圓滿。
身心平衡與療癒: 透過 432Hz 頻率 調和能量場,促進平靜與健康。
解脫束縛與困惑: 消除內心的迷茫與煩惱,帶來心靈自由與光明。
護佑平安與順遂: 增強正能量與防護力,遠離災難與不安。
冥想與靜心工具: 適合靜坐、祈禱與深層冥想時播放,提升專注力與穩定情緒。
🙏 修持建議:
專注冥想: 在安靜環境中播放音頻,保持虔誠與正念。
觀想光明: 可觀想大日如來的金色光芒照耀自身,淨化身心。
每日修持: 每日播放1小時,透過 100遍循環誦念穩固信念與智慧。
💠 感謝您的支持!
如果這段音頻為您帶來智慧與平靜,請訂閱頻道並分享給需要療癒的朋友 🙏

#大日如來 #432hz #佛教音樂#佛教

🌟 Welcome to this Sacred Healing Audio! 🌟
This is a Vairocana Buddha Mantra (Dainichi Nyorai Mantra) audio, chanted 100 times over 1 hour, tuned to the 432Hz healing frequency. Ideal for meditation, spiritual cleansing, and awakening wisdom.

✨ About Vairocana Buddha (Dainichi Nyorai):
Vairocana Buddha, also known as Dainichi Nyorai in Japanese, represents infinite wisdom and universal illumination in Buddhism.

He symbolizes the source of all light and truth, dispelling ignorance and darkness, and guiding sentient beings toward enlightenment and ultimate liberation.

The Vairocana Buddha Mantra is a powerful chant used in Vajrayana Buddhism (Esoteric Buddhism) to purify karma, dissolve obstacles, and awaken inner wisdom. It promotes spiritual clarity, healing, and enlightenment.

🎶 Vairocana Buddha Mantra (Lyrics & Pronunciation):
Om Namo Ba ga va te Sar va te Ga te
嗡 南謨巴噶瓦帝 桑爾瓦多爾嘎德

Var su da ni Ra ja ya Ta Tha Ga Ta Ya Ar ha te
牟尼素怛呢閏恩雜雅 怛阿陀噶打雅 阿爾哈德

Sam Yak Sam Bu da ya

Ta ya Tha Om Su da ni Su da ni Sar va Pa Weng
怛雅他 嗡 殊達呢 殊達呢 薩爾瓦阿巴阿瓦

Va sho da ni Su de Va su de
波殊達呢 素底 叭素底

Sar wa Kar ma Ava ra na Va sho da na Ye Soha
薩爾瓦嘎爾嘛 阿瓦忍恩納 叭殊達呢 耶娑訶

✨ Benefits of Listening to This Audio:
Karmic Purification and Cleansing: Clears past negative karma and emotional blockages.
Wisdom and Enlightenment: Awakens higher consciousness and spiritual insight.
Healing and Energy Balancing: 432Hz frequency harmonizes the body and mind, promoting peace and healing.
Obstacle Removal and Protection: Eliminates obstacles in life and offers divine protection.
Emotional Clarity and Focus: Helps stabilize emotions and enhances meditation focus.
Spiritual Awakening and Growth: Guides the listener toward deeper spiritual awareness and transformation.
Positive Energy and Harmony: Cleanses surrounding energy and creates a peaceful atmosphere.
🙏 Practice Tips:
Set an Intention: Focus on your goal—be it cleansing, healing, or awakening wisdom.
Visualize Light: Imagine Vairocana Buddha’s golden light surrounding and purifying your body and soul.
Daily Practice: Play this 1-hour track daily or during meditation to amplify its spiritual benefits.
💠 Thank You for Your Support!
If this audio brings you peace and clarity, please subscribe to the channel and share it with your loved ones 🙏

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