Challenging Approach - Mariazell (LOGM)

Описание к видео Challenging Approach - Mariazell (LOGM)

Mariazell has been on my bucket list for a long time. Finally, we made it. Mariazell lies at 2.822 ft, so it is a high elevation field. Therefore, performance and climb rate are less. Landing- and takeoff distances get considerably longer. Additionally, Mariazell is surrounded by high mountains and a mountain ridge even extends right into the traffic pattern.
We first overflew the field well above traffic pattern altitude to check it out. We looked for the windsock and tried to get a good picture of the surroundings. Overhead Gusswerk where the valley widens again we turned back. Then we descended to traffic pattern altitude for an entry on the right downwind leg for RWY 15. After a touch&go, we did one more pattern and a final landing. By touching down on speed and just beyond the displaced threshold, we managed to vacate the runway at the mid-point.


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