Are Fascia & Adhesions The Same? |

Описание к видео Are Fascia & Adhesions The Same? |

@marygaylebrown8862 asked if fascia and adhesions are the same and also about her abdominal surgery pain. 🤔

Here's the answer:

Fascia is the connective tissue holding every single one of our trillions of cells together, primarily made up of elastin and collagen. As we start falling out of alignment, the collagen component of the fascia begins to migrate to areas of need. For example, when sitting correctly, all of our cells are supported properly with optimal space between and around each cell. However, as we fall from balance, whether standing, seated, or just doing general activities, if this becomes habitual, collagen starts to migrate to prevent us from tipping over.

Adhesions are the accumulation of this migrating collagen, holding us out of alignment with a 2,000 pounds per square inch seal. Similar to scar tissue, adhesions and scar tissue are primarily made up of collagen. They act the same in the fascia system, blocking the flow of fluids, oxygen, and energy. This blockage creates issues like pain, bloating, and stagnancy in the body due to built-up inflammation.

So, while adhesions are a component of the fascia, they result from an imbalance that occurs when we fall from correct alignment.

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#PainRelief #Fascia #Fascialmaneuvers #SelfHealing #Trauma


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