RENDANG ASLI MINANG resep RM.Padang Uni Salmah

Описание к видео RENDANG ASLI MINANG resep RM.Padang Uni Salmah


#rendangminang #resepasliuni

1 kg daging sapi (2 lbs of beef)
500 gr kentang (1 b of potato)

bumbu halus: (blended ingredients)
5 bh kapulaga (5 cardamoms)
3 bh bunga lawang (3 star anises)
7 bh cengkeh (7 cloves)
1 ruas jari kayu manis (1 tsp of cinnamon)
1 sdt jinten (1 tsp of white cumin)
1 sdt adas manis (1 tsp of brown cumin)
1 bh pala (a nutmeg)
1 SDM lada campur (1 tbsp of mixed pepper)
2 sdt ketumbar (2 tsp of coriander)
1 ibu jari jahe (a dice of ginger)
7 btr kemiri (7 candlenuts)
200 gr cabai merah (1/2 lb of red chili)
50 gr cabai rawit (2 oz of Thai chili)
5 siung bawang merah (5 bulbs of shallot)
7 siung bawang putih (7 cloves of garlic)
100 gr lengkuas (4 oz of galangal)

bumbu lain: (other ingredients)
1500 CC santan kental dari 3 btr kelapa (6 cups of coconut milk from 3 coconuts)
2 bt daun kunyit (2 stalks of turmeric plant)
5 lbr daun salam (5 Indonesian bayleaves)
7 lbr daun jeruk (7 keffir lime leaves)
3 bt sereh (3 stalks of lemongrass)
3 sdt garam (2 tsp of salt)
1 sdt MSG (1 tsp of MSG)
5 SDM minyak kelapa sangrai (5 tbsp of oil from stir-fried coconut shreds)

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