Описание к видео 珍姐【懷舊白糖糕】 WHITE SUGAR SPONGE CAKE

250克 粘米粉
250毫升 清水
1大匙 白砂糖
1小匙 酵母
1小匙 泡打粉
250毫升 热开水
120克 白砂糖


White Sugar Sponge Cake (recipe)
A material
250g rice flour
250ml water
1 tbsp white sugar
1 tsp yeast
1 tsp baking powder
B material
250ml hot water
120 g white sugar

First, boil the hot boiled water of B material, then pour the sugar and mix slowly. The sugar is melted and set aside. Then, mix material A with rice flour, water, white sugar, yeast, and baking powder and mix well until it is smooth and non-grainy. Ferment for 1 hour, and ferment for about 1 hour. The surface of the double-sized slurry will sink before adding the syrup that has been cooled to 30 degrees in advance. Stir it evenly. Sift the slurry, and then ferment the slurry again for 30 minutes. After that, stir again and pour it into the preheated 9-inch oiled pastry pan. After steaming on medium heat for 30 minutes, take it out and apply oil on the surface. Cut into pieces and enjoy after it is cold. Thank you


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