Catching dinner from my local shore - a hard evening down the bay but ya can't win them all....

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Although my old spots down my local don't produce like how they use to back in the day, it's still fun to head down and flick a few baits every now and then. Every now and then you can pick up a nice fish or two but in now days most snapper caught are around that 35-40cm.
When Pea and I first started fishing the Bays from the rocks, the average fish caught was around 8lb. We use to get plenty of double fig fish from 13-18lb and each season we would land a few 20's with a couple magic ones around 26lb.
The best I ever pulled from the Bays was from Torbay, and still is my PB for off the rocks going 98cm (28.9lb) guttered so could have reached that magic 30lb mark.
Now days I don't go to hard out down the bay knowing it won't produce like this anymore but it's still fun to head down to try and catch a couple for dinner.

Having a high tide close to dark I decided to go see if I could pick up a fish or two for tea. We had a nice swell rolling in a few days prier, and I do love it when the tides coincide with the end of a swell and darkness. Although the swell had died 4-5 days beforehand, and would loved to of been fishing a day after this, the tides didn't allow me to fish my spots but I was hoping a fish or two would still come in mooching.

It does get a little frustrating with all the pickers that have now taken up residence along the bays but there always a chance for a feed at least. I got to my spot a couple hours before dark and set up the Kotare and my 10ft Tournament concept rock rod. As predicted the pickers were there in force but as the bait created it's own berley there were a few nice little bites every now and then. In the end I was able to land just a kahawai and one takeable snapper for tea - not my usual fishy outing but still a joy able one any way.


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