MP64-11, reel 2 - The Truman Album - 1948 - part 2 of 2

Описание к видео MP64-11, reel 2 - The Truman Album - 1948 - part 2 of 2

This newsreel compilation shows footage concerning President Harry S. Truman and the 1948 presidential campaign and election, as released by Warner Pathe newsreel. This is reel 2 of 2. The segments show:
- “Truman Wins”, A review of the campaign – New York, etc., with Truman. Also other campaigners – Humphrey, Paul Douglas, Clinton Anderson, etc., Roy Acuff; Election scenes, including Truman, Bess and Margaret, Barkley, Mr. & Mrs. Dewey, Mr. & Mrs. Warren. Campaign headquarters scenes. Brownell speaking. Farley and McGrath, Henry Wallace, etc.
- Thomas Dewey reads message to Harry Truman. Truman accepts congratulations.
- “The Victors.” Truman and Barkley return to Washington, D.C. – ride to White House. Band is playing. Truman speaks then Barkley speaks.
- Truman flies to Key West.
- “Truman Inaugural,” Truman speaks at Truman – Barkley Club, January 18, 1949
- Electoral College Dinner – Truman speaks, does “Kaltenborn” imitation describing election night actions, January 19, 1949
- Inaugural gala scenes, including Hollywood stars
- Inauguration scenes (including scenes of Wilson, Coolidge, Hoover, and Roosevelt inaugurations), January 20, 1949. Again shows Truman on April 12, 1945.
- Part of Truman’s speech (including Point 4).
- Parade scenes.

Very similar to MP2007-1 reel 2, except this version does not show Alben Barkley's oath of office. The sound quality of this version is also not as good. This series of newsreels was produced by Warner Pathe. It is copyrighted material and may not be used without permission from the Sherman Grinberg Film Library: The Truman Library has posted this with permission. Please credit: Warner Pathe. Harry S. Truman Library.

This film is part of the Motion Picture series at the Truman Library. Please see this link for the National Archives Catalog record:


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