Falls Prevention Advice from Tallaght ICPOP Team

Описание к видео Falls Prevention Advice from Tallaght ICPOP Team

The Tallaght Integrated Care for Older Persons (ICPOP) team - part of the Sláintecare - offers practical advice on falls prevention and general safety tips for vulnerable persons.

The aim of HSE ICPOP teams is to develop and implement integrated services and pathways for older people with complex health and social care needs, shifting the delivery of care away from acute hospitals towards community based, planned and coordinated care.

The objective of the programme is to improve the quality of life for older people by providing access to integrated care and support that is planned around their needs and choices, supporting them to live well in their own homes and communities.

Falls remain the most commonly reported incident within the HSE and HSE funded services with 35,187 falls reported in 2018, including 15,773 in acute hospitals and 15,027 in social care. Furthermore, a study undertaken by The Irish Centre for Social Gerontology (2007) estimated that fall-related injuries in older people would increase from a conservative €922m – €1077m by 2020 and by 2030 the cost will be approximately €1587m – €2043m.


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