巧克力甜甜圈做法/CHOCOLATE GLAZED DONUT from Transformer

Описание к видео 巧克力甜甜圈做法/CHOCOLATE GLAZED DONUT from Transformer



面粉: 200g
牛奶: 80ml
酵母粉: 3g
黄油: 20g
鸡蛋白: 1
盐: 1g
糖: 20g

1. 3g酵母粉加入80毫升的温牛奶中,在加入2g盐和20g糖,开始搅拌。在加入一个鸡蛋白继续搅拌至均匀。
2. 一个大盆中放200g的面粉,加入刚才混合好的酵母液,开始搅合。再加入20g黄油。
3. 将所有食材倒入案板上准备用手和面。和面的整个过程大概8-10分钟左右,直到面团有弹性有劲道为止。
4. 另一个大盆,擦一点儿橄榄油再盆底,将面团放入盆中,盖一块毛巾发2小时或直到面团发成两倍大。
5. 将发好的面团取出放在案板上,用手将其拍成1厘米厚的长方形,用刀切成6等份,将每一份从外向中心折,然后做成一个球状,再将这个小球用手压成圆形,用瓶盖在中心压出一个圆形来,这样甜甜圈的形状就做好了。
6. 中火加油热锅,准备炸甜甜圈,当底部成金黄色时就翻过来煎另一面。
7. 做巧克力酱:在一个小锅中加水煮沸,上边放一个玻璃碗,注意盆底不要接触到水,加入两大勺巧克力块,再加入一小勺咖啡。搅拌至两者完全溶解在一起。
8. 将刚才做好的甜甜圈放在巧克力酱中沾一下,巧克力甜甜圈就做好了.

Chocolate glazed donut easy recipe


Flour: 200g
Milk: 80ml
Yeast: 3g
Butter: 20g
Egg white: 1
Salt: 1g
Sugar: 20g

1. Mix well warm milk, yeast, salt, sugar, and egg white.
2. Mix flour and yeast mixture together, then add butter.
3. Knead all the ingredients for 8-10 minutes with hands until the dough is smooth.
4. Rub some olive oil to the bottom of a big bowl, put dough in and let it rise for 2 hours or until its size doubled.
5. Pat the dough into a 1/2 -inch thick rectangle, cut the dough into 6 equal pieces.
6. Fold each piece from edges into the center and make a ball.
7. Pat the ball into a 1/2 -inch thick round shaped dough. Cut a circle in the center with a bottle cap.
8. Making the chocolate glaze: double boiling the chocolate with espresso coffee, stir till everything is melted and smooth. Dip the donut in the chocolate glaze.


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