🔶超めんどくさがり屋でも2種類の作り方で簡単シュガークロワッサン♥️Super easy sugar croissant! 2 pattern moldings!!

Описание к видео 🔶超めんどくさがり屋でも2種類の作り方で簡単シュガークロワッサン♥️Super easy sugar croissant! 2 pattern moldings!!


ちなみに、 これでも面倒な場合は、市販のパンを買って食べた方が絶対に良いです😂👍♥️あと、完璧なクロワッサンを求める場合は王道の作り方の方をオススメします😋

● Ingredients ● 4個〜5個●

強力粉 140g
薄力粉 60g
砂糖 20g
塩 2g
ドライイースト 3g
35℃程度に温めた牛乳 135g
食用油 15g

無塩バター 40g〜80g ( 挟む用)

● Ingredients ● 10個程度●

強力粉 280g
薄力粉 120g
砂糖 40g
塩 5g
ドライイースト 5g
35℃程度に温めた牛乳 270g
食用油 30g

無塩バター 100g〜120g ( 挟む用)






1. 材料準備してヘラで混ぜてタッパーの蓋をするまで(約10分)
2. 生地放置(2時間〜3時間)早めたい場合なら通常の捏ねをおすすめします。捏ね(30分)
3. 生地を40×30に伸ばして溶けたバターを生地全体に塗って5cm幅に折りたたみながら巻いて綴じます。(作業20分程度)
4. ラップで包んで冷蔵庫に(30分)
5. 生地を10×50に伸ばして半分にカットしを1つの生地を2分割にしてロールする(15分程度)
6. 天板に移して発酵(20分)
7. 卵を塗る(2分程度)
8. 焼く(15分)
9. 焼いてる間にアイシング作り
10. 完成(焼き上がるまでの時間は生地放置時間、冷蔵庫に冷やす時間、発酵時間、焼成時間、を除けば作業だけの時間は47分間ですが、これさえ面倒な場合は市販のパンを買って食べた方が絶対良い😁😁♥️
11. 全ての工程トータル時間は4時間52分です。賛否両論あると思いますが、これを面倒と受けとるか簡単と受けとるかです😁洗濯しながらテレビ見ながら洗い物しながら、家事の合間にながら作っても美味しいパンを子供達に食べさせてあげたいために考えた方法なのでご参考になれば幸いです♥️😂😂👍💕

This video is an introduction video of a croissant recipe that does not seek perfection! 🫠I'm a very lazy person, so I've been wondering if there's a way to make a croissant that's easy and delicious. There is no need to fold it several times, so there is no difficult process, so I want to make croissants at home super easily, whether it's an evil way, a corner, or a croissant imitation! I hope it will be helpful for those who think ♥️

By the way, if this is still troublesome, it is definitely better to buy and eat commercially available bread😂👍♥️Also, if you want the perfect croissant, I recommend the classic recipe😋

● Ingredients ● 4 to 5 ●

140g strong flour
60g cake flour
20g sugar
2g salt
3 g of dry yeast
135g milk warmed to about 35°C
15g cooking oil

40g - 80g unsalted butter (for sandwiching)

● Ingredients ● About 10 ●

280g strong flour
120g cake flour
40g sugar
5g salt
5 g of dry yeast
270g milk warmed to about 35℃
30g cooking oil

100g-120g unsalted butter (for sandwiching)

*Butter changes the gram according to the state of the bread you want to finish at that time.
If you want a Danish finish, use about 40g. Using more grams of butter will give it a crunchier texture, making it more like a croissant.

🔸Steps and working hours🔸

(Recommended how to make the second round of the video)

1. Prepare the ingredients, mix with a spatula and cover the Tupperware (about 10 minutes)
2. Leave the dough for 2 to 3 hours. Kneading (30 minutes)
3. Stretch the dough to 40 x 30, apply melted butter all over the dough, fold it to a width of 5 cm, roll it up and bind it. (work about 20 minutes)
4. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate (30 minutes)
5. Stretch the dough to 10 x 50, cut it in half, divide one dough into two and roll (about 15 minutes)
6. Transfer to a baking sheet and ferment (20 minutes)
7. Paint the egg (about 2 minutes)
8. Bake (15 minutes)
9. Make icing while baking
10. Completion (Excluding the time required for the dough to stand, the time to cool it in the refrigerator, the fermentation time, and the baking time, it takes 47 minutes, but if even this is troublesome, buy a commercially available bread. It's definitely better to eat 😁😁♥️
11. Total time for all processes is 4 hours and 52 minutes. I think there are pros and cons, but whether you take this as troublesome or easy 😁 Because I want my children to eat delicious bread even if I make it while doing housework while doing laundry while watching TV. I would appreciate it if you could refer to it because it is a method that I thought about ♥️😂😂👍💕



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