🔶生地を重ねてバターを塗るだけで簡単に作れるクロワッサン風bread♥️The easiest and fastest way to make a croissant bread!

Описание к видео 🔶生地を重ねてバターを塗るだけで簡単に作れるクロワッサン風bread♥️The easiest and fastest way to make a croissant bread!

   • ♥️15分生地レシピ 15 minute bread dough recipe  

こんにちは😄Happy recipesです!



強力粉 300g
牛乳 135ml
バター 20g
砂糖 25g
ドライイースト 4g
卵 1個
塩 3g

バター 70g(生地に塗る)
塗り卵 1個
ピーナッツバター 適量
アーモンドダイス 適量


1. ボウルに牛乳とバターをいれます。

2. 次に砂糖とドライイーストを加えよく混ぜます。

3. 強力粉を入れ混ぜた後に塩を加えます。粉気がなくなるまで混ぜてから更に手を使って混ぜます。

4. ボウルの中で生地の表面を整えてからラップをかけて電子レンジ600wで20秒加熱します。

●おおよその基本● 夏場

5. 生地を2分割にしてから更に10分割にします。

6. 10分割した生地はそれぞれ同じ重さに量ります。生地は丸く整え濡れ布巾かラップをかけて15分ほど休ませます。ベンチタイム(生地を休ませることの意味)

7. ベンチタイムを終えた生地を直径12cm程度の丸い生地に作ります。

8. 丸い生地にバターを塗り重ねます。

9. 重ねた生地をラップに包み冷蔵庫で30分ほど冷やします。

10. 冷蔵庫から取り出した生地を直径約40cmに麺棒で丸く広げます。

11. 丸い生地をピザカッターかナイフで12分割にします。

12. 端から丸めて成形をしてからオーブンシートを敷いた天板に置きます。ラップをかけて30分ほど休ませます。ここで発酵が同時に行われます。

13. 200℃に予熱したオーブンで10分焼いてから180℃で6分焼きます。(各々のオーブンによって異なるので焼き色を見ながら時間を調整して下さい。)

14. クロワッサンの粗熱が取れてからピーナッツバターとアーモンドダイスを混ぜ合わせたものをトッピングします。

Hello 😆 Happy recipes!
Thank you for watching ❤️

This time I made a croissant with the usual 15-minute dough! A croissant that you want to make at home once! However, there are many work processes and I have a difficult image, so I want to make it, but I can not easily step forward! I think there are many people who think so and give up! However, with this method and work process, you can easily and easily make freshly baked croissants at home! Please challenge!
Once you make it, the second one will be easier! 😍👍

★ ingredients ★ 12 pieces ★

Strong flour 300g
Milk 135 ml
Butter 20g
Sugar 25g
Dry yeast 4g
1 egg
Salt 3g

Butter 70g (apply to dough)
1 coated egg
Appropriate amount of peanut butter
Appropriate amount of almond dice
* Peanut butter and almond dice
Please mix as you like!

★ How to make ★

1. Put milk and butter in a bowl.
Heat in a microwave oven at 600w for about 1 minute.
* Milk and butter do not return to room temperature and can be used immediately after being taken out of the refrigerator.

2. Next, add sugar and dry yeast and mix well.

3. Add salt after adding the bread and mixing.
Mix until the powder is gone, then use your hands to mix.

4. Prepare the surface of the dough in a bowl, wrap it in a microwave oven, and heat it in a microwave oven for about 20 seconds.
* The heating time differs between summer and winter, and it also depends on the amount of dough.

● Approximate basics ● In the summer
・ Heat 300g of strong flour in the microwave for about 15 to 20 seconds.
・ Heat 150g of strong flour in the microwave for about 15 seconds.
・ In winter, heat in the microwave for about 25 to 30 seconds as a guide.

5. Divide the dough into 2 pieces and then divide it into 10 pieces.

6. Weigh each of the 10 pieces of dough into the same weight, round them up, cover them with a wet cloth or wrap, and let them rest for about 15 minutes. Bench time (meaning to rest the dough)

7. After the bench time, turn the dough into a round dough with a diameter of about 12 cm.

8. Spread butter on the round dough.

9. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

10. Use a cotton swab to roll out the dough taken out of the refrigerator to a diameter of about 40 cm.

11. Divide the round dough into 12 pieces with a pizza cutter or knife.

12. Roll from the edge, shape and place on a baking sheet lined with an oven sheet. Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest for about 30 minutes. Fermentation takes place here at the same time.

13. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes and then at 180 degrees for 6 minutes. (Because it depends on each oven, please adjust the time while watching the baking color.)

14. After the croissant has cooled, top it with a mixture of peanut butter and almond dice.

●音楽: Acoustic Guitar 1
ミュージシャン: music by audionautix.com
ライセンス: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...

●音楽サイト: Artgrid
1. Mess I Made
2. Brokenhearted
3. Candy
マイライセンス: License Number - 292259



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