Northstar Minis: Oathmark Dwarf Heavy Infantry!

Описание к видео Northstar Minis: Oathmark Dwarf Heavy Infantry!

Like the video says, I really enjoyed the basic dwarf infantry, so I was curious to see what the heavy ones were like.
Decked out in heavy chain and plate mail, their weapons of choice include either two handed great weapons or shields paired with a close quarters weapon. There are no ranged choices on this sprue, but there are some optional bits as well as two different types of heads- open faced or fully enclosed, which was a pleasant surprise.
These kits are completely compatible with the regular dwarf kit as well, giving you a whole lot of options if you want to vary up your dour little warriors. They also could work quite well with the other Northstar kits available across the various ranges they produce, which could probably create some quite unique characters for games like Frostgrave or Dragon Rampant!
I think these guys would fit in a lot better in a dwarf army with models from other companies more than the basic Oathmark infantry models. Considering how many figures you'd have with a box of each type of dwarf infantry (30 in each!) though, you'd have a pretty decent foundation of a dwarf army as- is...


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