
Описание к видео 【20240706(04)】(1)八卦拳重要原則,手經身體愈近愈好,給身體壓力,身體頂住吸收力量,手離身體愈遠愈好,讓筋伸展開。(2)用肘習慣,肘在中央方便使用。(3)盤龍手是用手開門給肘創造機會。

Important principles of Bagua Zhang: the closer the hands pass by the body, the better; the farther they move away, the better for stretching the tendons; establish the habit of using elbows, Panlong (coiling dragon) hand opens the door for the elbow to operate.
(1) A fundamental principle of Bagua Zhang is that the closer the hands are to the body, the better to pressurize the body, which resists and absorbs the force, and the farther the hands move away from the body, the better for stretching the tendons. (2) Establish the habit of using the elbows, positioning them centrally for convenience. (3) The Coiling Dragon hand technique uses the hand to open the door for the elbow to create opportunities.

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