[桃膠雪蓮子糖水]滋潤養顏系列,平民燕窩,簡單易做,俊男美女的恩物[Peach Resin Snow Lotus Seed Sweet Soup] nice dessert for both

Описание к видео [桃膠雪蓮子糖水]滋潤養顏系列,平民燕窩,簡單易做,俊男美女的恩物[Peach Resin Snow Lotus Seed Sweet Soup] nice dessert for both


How to cook Peach Resin Snow Lotus Seed Sweet Soup at home?

In this video, I will teach you how to cook Peach Resin Snow Lotus Seed Sweet Soup at home and the skills.


1. 預先一晚將桃膠、雪蓮子洗淨用水浸過夜
2. 將浸發後的桃膠、雪蓮子 再次洗淨 瀝乾備用
3. 將白蓮子洗淨用水浸15分鐘
4. 將蓮子芯取出 再次洗淨瀝乾備用
5. 百合、龍眼肉、紅棗洗淨 瀝乾備用
6. 然後將紅棗剪開並取出紅棗核 備用
7. 杞子洗淨 浸10分鐘 然後瀝乾備用
8. 將蓮子、百合、龍眼肉、紅棗放入2000毫升水中 然後蓋上煲蓋按煲湯制
9. 電煲當自動排氣完成後加入杞子、雪蓮子、桃膠及冰糖再煲15分鐘
10. 即成 (亦可放涼後再放入雪櫃三小時 就即成冰凍的桃膠雪蓮子糖水了)

[Peach Resin Snow Lotus Seed Sweet Soup]
30g peach resin
30g snow lotus seeds
50g lotus seeds
30g dried lily
30g dried longan
10 to 20 pcs red dates
10h of wolfberries
200g rock sugar

1. Wash the peach gum, snow lotus seeds and white lotus seeds overnight and soak them in water overnight
2. Wash and drain the peach gum and snow lotus seeds after soaking overnight.
3. Wash the white lotus seeds well and soak into the water for 15 minutes
4. Take out the core from the lotus seeds, wash and drain again for later use
5. Wash the lily, longan, and red dates well and set aside
6. Cut the red dates into small pieces and take out the core and set aside
7. Wash the wolfberries, then soak for 10 minutes and set aside
8. Put lotus seeds, lily, longan and red dates into 2000ml of water, then cover the pot and press the soup button
9. When the automatic exhaust of the electric cooker is completed, add the wolfberry, snow lotus seeds, peach gum and rock sugar then cook for another 15 minutes,
10. It is ready to be served! (You can also let it cool down and put it in the refrigerator for three hours for an iced Peach Resin Snow Lotus Seed Sweet Soup)

嗨! 我是Christine,多謝收看!如果喜歡我的視頻別忘記點讚、訂閱及分享,如有問題亦可留言給我。 下次再見!

Hi, I'm Christine, thanks for watching! If you like my video, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share, and you can leave me a message if you have any questions. see you later!

Christine's Kitchen    / @christineskitchen-hk  
Instagram   / christineskitchen22  
Facebook: Christine's Kitchen

background music: Fingerprint - Mini Vandals (YouTube)

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