STD Testing - How To Know If You Have An STD | Planned Parenthood Video

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How do you know if you have an STD? There’s only one way — you have to get tested. How do they test for STDs? Here’s the good news: STD testing is usually quick and painless. Get answers to all your questions about how to get tested for STDs.

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Getting tested for STDs is a basic part of taking care of your health. Most people with STDs don’t have any symptoms — testing is the only way to know for sure if you have one.

So if you’re having vaginal, anal, or oral sex, talk with a doctor or nurse about getting tested for STDs, even if you feel totally healthy.

Testing is usually quick and painless — it can be as easy as peeing in a cup or rubbing your cheek with a swab. And if you DO have an STD, it’s better to find out early — because you could spread the infection to other people you have sex with, and some STDs can cause serious damage over time.

But most STDs are easily cured with medicine, and there are lots of treatments for the STDs that can’t be cured. So the sooner you find out you have an STD, the sooner you can get the care you need to stay healthy.

If you’re in a new relationship, getting tested together shows you care about each other and can even make you closer. Talking to your partner about getting tested for STDs doesn’t mean you don’t trust them — it means you’re looking out for your health and their health.

Want to get tested for STDs? Your nearest Planned Parenthood health center is here to help.


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