How To Tell Someone You Have An STD | Planned Parenthood Video

Описание к видео How To Tell Someone You Have An STD | Planned Parenthood Video

Got an STD? So do lots of people. In fact, half of all people will get an STD at some point in their life. But not everyone understands how common STDs are, or that it’s possible to live a normal, healthy life even if you have an STD. So it’s normal to worry about how people will react, but the conversation might not go as badly as you think.

It might seem scary to tell your partner you have an STD, but we've tips on how to make the STD conversation easier. Whether you text, call, or talk in person, the important thing is that you tell them, before you have sex. Found out you had an STD after? Still gotta tell them. Here’s how to tell someone you have an STD (or had an STD). Learn more about STDs here:


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