蘿蔔餅🔥youtube熱爆影片(4)🔥😋超香脆👍$9做到 😋做法非常簡單👍新入廚朋友一樣做到 💯小食 聚會 送洒 煲劇 必備White radish pancake🤗

Описание к видео 蘿蔔餅🔥youtube熱爆影片(4)🔥😋超香脆👍$9做到 😋做法非常簡單👍新入廚朋友一樣做到 💯小食 聚會 送洒 煲劇 必備White radish pancake🤗

⬇️⬇️English recipe follows ⬇️⬇️


1. 蝦米用清水浸3分鐘至軟身。
2. 蘿蔔刨去皮,切條放入一個大碗。
3. 用粗鹽乸蘿蔔5分鐘,令它出水,輕手揸出水分,以去除苦澀味。
4. 清水沖乾淨蘿蔔條中的鹽分,擎乾水,放入一個大碗。
5. 加入3湯匙麪粉,再加入少許胡椒粉,攪勻。
6. 打2隻雞蛋,攪勻。
7. 再加入麪粉至起漿就可以了。
8. 蝦米擎乾水,放入蘿蔔內攪勻。

1. 放2湯匙油落鑊,大火燒熱。
2. 夾起蘿蔔放鑊中, 鑊燒熱後轉中慢火,慢煎。
3. 煎至金黃色,反轉另一面,冚蓋焗3分鐘。
4. 反轉,再焗3分鐘。
5. 完成,上碟。

White radish pancake:

White radish 1 catty
Rice flour
Eggs 2 Nos.
Dried sea shrimps 2 taels

1. Soak dried sea shrimps in tap water for 3 minutes.
2. Peel the radish, slice it and put it in a big bowl.
3. Season radish with cooking salt for 5 minutes to make radish releases liquid from itself. Squeeze it gently to release the bitter taste.
4. Rinse the salt in radish thoroughly. Hang dry and put it in a big bowl.
5. Mix 3 tbsp flour and little pepper into radish well.
6. Beat 2 eggs into radish, then mix well.
7. Add more flour to make the mixture becoming thick is OK.
8. Dried sea shrimps has already been hung dry, mix well with the radish.

1. Heat up 2 tbsp oil at high flame in wok.
2. Put a small amount of radish into wok. Turn to medium~low flame, continue frying.
3. Flip over the radish pancake when it turns gold in colour. Cover pan with lid for 3 minutes.
4. Flip over pancake, cover pan with lid for another 3 minutes.
5. Complete. Serve.

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