Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation for Chronic Fatigue | Voice Only

Описание к видео Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation for Chronic Fatigue | Voice Only

45 Minute Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation to Support Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/CFS (Voice Only)

You can also find this recording with gentle Koshi chimes and rain sounds here:    • Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation for Chro...  

Relax back into this yoga nidra practice specifically designed to support those with chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS. Yoga nidra is a guided meditative practice that utilizes systematic relaxation techniques to bring you into the deepest light altered states of consciousness and brainwave states that occur during biological sleep, only with a sense of wakeful awareness still present. In these deep brainwave states the body relaxes and the parasympathetic division of the nervous system, rest and digest, is activated. Here, the body undergoes deep regenerative rest and healing. Studies have shown that the deep rest that comes in the state of yoga nidra can allow the body to heal itself faster. The practice of yoga nidra also allows the practitioner to release tension from the body by bringing mindful awareness throughout the body to instill a deep sense of inner calm and relaxation. Yoga nidra is also supportive in relieving some of the underlying symptoms of stress and chronic fatigue, exhaustion or burnout.

In this practice, explore sensing opposite sensations in the body to discover a deep sense of balance and inner calm. Emerge feeling rested, grounded, at ease, and with a deep sense of relief throughout all of the layers of the Self.

Happy resting.

Downloads available on Shopify:

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40 Minute Yoga Nidra for Chronic Fatigue:    • Yoga Nidra for Exhaustion and Chronic...  
40 Minute Yoga Nidra for Exhaustion and Burnout:    • Yoga Nidra for Exhaustion and Burnout  
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Want to practice yoga nidra with me live on zoom? Join our new online studio at the School of Living Yoga Circle of Thread! See link below to access a one week free trial:


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Moon to Moon Restorative Yoga Teacher Training:
Follow my journey on Instagram:   / kristynroseyoga  
Practice with me on Insight Timer:
On Vancouver Island? Join me on Facebook for future events, workshops and retreats (starting in May 2023):   / yoganidrasacredcircle  

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If you are one of our students in the Transformational Sleep Yoga Nidra Teacher Training, here at the School of Living Yoga I’d love to hear from you in the comments. Please know we have also have live trainings in Canada and Costa Rica and Online trainings with amazing people from around the world who come together and it’s a beautiful experience. See the link below!

School of Living Yoga Online Transformational Sleep Yoga Nidra Teacher Training:

May you be happy, healthy, peaceful and free.

Kristyn Rose

#yoganidra #chronicfatigue #exhaustion #burnout #voiceonly #TransformationalSleepYTT


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