The Bird Has Fallen In Love With The Sky

Описание к видео The Bird Has Fallen In Love With The Sky

A black bird sits on the windowsill,
singing songs of love for the sky…

The #poem

The black bird sits on the window sill
singing songs of love for the sky,
longing to be in its embrace,

but whenever she opens her broken wing,
she lands with a loud thud
on the blue garden tile.

Each time she falls,
they put her in a cage
and warn her
of the dangers of taking a flight…

Don't you know
the sun can burn you up
or a big bird can eat you alive?

someday when you are ready,
maybe you can take a leisurely walk
on the green grass outside.

But the black bird doesn't want to walk
she knows she was born to fly

she yearns to make a home in the clouds,
and to sleep with the stars,
listening to the moon's forgotten lullabies

she isn't afraid of the sun,
she wants to bathe in its beautiful golden light.

So everyday she sits on the windowsill,
looking up with forlorn eyes
dreaming of her freedom
in the embrace of her lover…

The beautiful blue sky.

One day, as I sit bemoaning her fate,
I see the gentle breeze
carrying her in its palms
and slowly the black bird begins to fly

that's when they shout at her,

“Come back you silly bird! Don't you know,
your broken wing can give in anytime?”

But the black bird doesn't care
she tweets with a smile,

“It doesn't really matter,
after all I am a bird, and birds
are supposed to fly.”


So I think to myself

how lovely it must be,
to be so sure of who you are
and to leap into the unknown
with such great delight,

to be so unafraid of falling
and to trust that the wind
will always catch your wings

and no matter what,

one day,
you shall rise.

So now, I try to be more fearless
in following my own dreams
and when I stumble,
I always look up into the sky

searching in the clouds
for that little black bird
who had jumped off with a broken wing
daring to fly,

but then again,
what else could she have done,

after all
the black bird had fallen in love,

with the beautiful blue sky.

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