What if SPIDER-MAN Was in Star Wars

Описание к видео What if SPIDER-MAN Was in Star Wars

What if SPIDER-MAN was MANIPULATED by Darth Maul? Let’s explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

Spiderman swings across the night sky alone, feeling his phone beeping in his pocket. As he approaches the seedier parts of the city, the beeping grows stronger. He knows what the report is by heart now. A mysterious cloaked individual attacking the gangs here.

While that's normally something the police deal with, this time is different. None of the reports were able to identify the individual as no one who saw them lived to tell the tale. This finally prompts Peter to investigate on his own. Unfortunately, this time proves to be no different as by the time that Spiderman arrives, all he finds are a handful of dead gangsters.

They perished the same way that the others did in previous encounters, with sword wounds across their chests. But this isn’t an ordinary sword, the weapon was probably heated as the wounds cauterize almost immediately, leaving no blood trails. Spiderman suspects it is alien tech, leftovers from Vulture’s gang.

As he examines the dead bodies, laughter rings out from the alley and a pair of shimmering crimson lights appear at the other side.

Spiderman jumps back and prepares himself to fight. From the shadows, Darth Maul appears and smiles.

Maul: So you’re that mysterious hero I’ve heard so much about. You are more difficult to find than I first thought.

Spiderman: Ya, people here are not too familiar with me here.

Maul: Good, then no one will go take revenge after I kill you.

Maul lunges forward, his lightsaber spinning into a blur of red, but Spiderman leaps up at the last second and latches onto a wall. He fires a web at Maul’s arm and pulls him off balance. Before he falls, the Sith Lord whirls around and slashes the web apart before hurling his lightsaber at him.

It spins in the air, forcing Spiderman to jump down and fire a series of webs, hitting Maul in his chest and limbs, trying to keep him in place. Maul dodges these attacks and catches his lightsaber, slashing others apart.

Changing tactics, Spiderman pulls a dumpster and sends it rolling towards Maul who slashes it apart and uses its halves to shield himself from the next barrage. While he’s holding up the dumpster, a manhole cover arcs past his makeshift shield and hits the nightbrother square in the chest.

As he staggers back, Spiderman shoots another web at his legs, wrapping them together and yanking Maul off balance. His lightsaber drops from his hand and before he can grab it, the hero pulls it to his hand.

Spiderman: Listen, Mr. Devil Dude, I don’t want to fight so why don’t we just end it here?

Maul: You talk far too much for a hero.

Spiderman: Ya, I’ve been told.

Maul: It leaves you vulnerable to being surprised.

He suddenly uses the Force to weaken Spiderman's grip on the walls and sends him crashing to the ground. Maul frees himself and walks up to the fallen hero, picking him up and slamming him against the wall.

Maul: You have skill and spirit, young one. Not many can put up that much of a fight against me.

Spiderman: So does that mean you’re letting me go?

Maul: That depends on whether I’m satisfied with your answers to my questions. First, are you responsible for the disturbance I felt in the Force?

Spiderman: T-the what?

Maul holds his lightsaber up against his throat and growls. He stands over Spiderman, allowing his demonic face to be painted in the crimson light of his weapon.

Maul: Do not play dumb with me, boy.

Spiderman: I’m not playing, honest! I have no idea what you’re saying.

Although he growls, Maul senses the truth in his words and lowers his weapon a tiny bit.

Maul: Several weeks ago, I sensed a disturbance in the Force on your planet. As if the fabric of reality was altered and rewritten…clumsily. I’ve come here to investigate.

This time, he senses a twinge of understanding in Spiderman. A few weeks was around the same time he asked Dr. Strange to cast his spell that would cause everyone to forget about him. It was one of the hardest decisions he’s had to make, but it was necessary to save the multiverse.

Spiderman: N-no I didn’t cast that spell, but I am the one responsible.

Maul keeps a tight grip on him as he tries to feel Spiderman’s presence in the Force. He’s still connected to it, but that connection is…faded. He almost appears invisible at first. Suddenly, Maul deactivates his lightsaber and loosens his grip on Spiderman.

Maul: It seems you do not fully grasp the depths of this opportunity you have been given.

Spiderman’s anger flashes as he begins to struggle.

Spiderman: Opportunity? Losing everyone i cared about, having to lose all my friends and relationships is an opportunity? To have everyone I care about forget about me?

Maul: Yes. Your loved ones, your enemies, and those indifferent towards you. A clean slate, even Force barely understands you. Such circumstances are unprecedented. Yet you do not take full advantage of it.


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