Hrad Stein I Stein Castle I Burg Stein

Описание к видео Hrad Stein I Stein Castle I Burg Stein


Hrad patril Salzburskej arcidiecéze, ktorá odtiaľto spravovala svoje majetky v dolnom údolí Lavant. "Gotfrit de Stein" sa prvýkrát spomína v rokoch 1193 až 1215.

Ku koncu 12. storočia mali grófi z Pettau právo bailiwicku. Zámok bol čoskoro opäť v rukách salzburských arcibiskupov. V roku 1273 bol odovzdaný biskupovi z Lavantu. O tri roky neskôr na hrad zaútočil gróf Heinrich von Pfannberg a z veľkej časti ho zničil. No v tom istom roku bol vrátený salzburskej diecéze, ktorá dala škody ihneď opraviť. V štajerskom šľachtickom povstaní proti vojvodovi Albrechtovi I. hrad v roku 1289 dobyl cisársky poľný kapitán Ulrich Kapeller.

Po uzavretí mieru bola vrátená diecéze. V roku 1293 ho darovala Rudolfovi von Fohnsdorf. Potom sa zvyčajne zamestnávali sestry. V roku 1437 požiar zničil veľkú časť hradu, ale v roku 1444 bol obnovený. V roku 1480 ho dobyl Leonhard II von Kollnitz v mene cisára Fridricha III., čo opäť spôsobilo vážne škody. V roku 1497 ho dal princ arcibiskup Leonhard von Keutschach opäť opevniť.

V 18. storočí začal hrad chátrať. Stein zostal na kniežatsko-arcibiskupstve až do sekularizácie Salzburgu a potom sa stal majetkom štátu. Správu prevzala komora svätého Andrä. Nakoniec sa ruiny dostali do súkromného vlastníctva, najskôr bratov Rosthornovcov a potom Augusta Theodora Schütteho. Po ňom nasledoval Dipl. Ing. Hellwig Habsburg-Lothringen. Od roku 1979 je zámok vo vlastníctve rodiny Knauderovcov. Komplex bol čiastočne zrekonštruovaný koncom 20. storočia.


The castle belonged to the Archdiocese of Salzburg, which administered its possessions in the lower Lavant Valley from here. A "Gotfrit de Stein" is mentioned for the first time between 1193 and 1215.

Towards the end of the 12th century, the Counts of Pettau held bailiwick rights. The castle was soon back in the hands of the Salzburg archbishops. In 1273 it was handed over to the Bishop of Lavant. Three years later, Count Heinrich von Pfannberg attacked the castle and largely destroyed it. But in the same year it was returned to the diocese of Salzburg, which had the damage repaired immediately. In the Styrian noble revolt against Duke Albrecht I, the castle was taken by the imperial field captain Ulrich Kapeller in 1289.

After peace was concluded, it was returned to the diocese. She gave this to Rudolf von Fohnsdorf in 1293. Afterwards, nurses were usually employed. In 1437 a fire destroyed large parts of the castle, but it was rebuilt by 1444. In 1480 Leonhard II von Kollnitz conquered it on behalf of Emperor Friedrich III, which again caused serious damage. In 1497, Prince Archbishop Leonhard von Keutschach had it fortified again.

In the 18th century the castle began to fall into disrepair. Stein remained with the prince-archbishopric until the secularization of Salzburg and then became state property. The administration was taken over by the Chamber of St. Andrä. Eventually the ruins came into private ownership, first to the Rosthorn brothers and then to August Theodor Schütte. He was followed by Dipl. Ing. Hellwig Habsburg-Lothringen. The castle has been owned by the Knauder family since 1979. The complex was partially restored towards the end of the 20th century.


Weitere Informationen: Burgen Austria


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