
Описание к видео 💯营养丰富又美味的低碳减脂餐|Costco的豆腐和阿根廷红虾|鲜虾豆腐饼搭配牛油果蘑菇玉米汤


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【Joydeem 多功能绞肉机】购买链接:http://bit.ly/41GknXg
极具诱惑的透油小笼包,肉馅软嫩鲜美:    • 💯极具诱惑的透油小笼包,肉馅软嫩鲜美❗咬一口满嘴留香|透油包子  

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我的常用好物 My favorites: https://www.amazon.com/shop/shangshik...

1 box (510g) of extra firm Tofu 老豆腐
15 Red shrimp 红虾
2 Eggs 鸡蛋
1 tbsp sesame oil 香油
1 tsp salt 盐
1/2 cup corn starch 玉米淀粉
Green onion 葱
Avocado oil 酪梨油
Black sesame 黑芝麻

1 Avocado 牛油果
50g mushrooms 蘑菇
50g fresh corn kernels 鲜玉米粒
Parsley 欧芹
Salt 盐
Water 水

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