The GOWER PENINSULA. Port Eynon, Westward towards Worm's Head and Rossili - Part 1

Описание к видео The GOWER PENINSULA. Port Eynon, Westward towards Worm's Head and Rossili - Part 1

This is a beautiful coast with amazing rock formations weathered by the wind and sea, huge rock faces thrusting up and out of the earth (exposed by the wind and rain eroding the soil, I guess).

I come across a fascinating man-made structure, tucked away in a cleft of a cliff-face…

There is no safe landing until Mewslade Beach, which is close to the little island of Worm's Head (you do get to see it in this video, from afar) - out of the question for me, with the wind against me on my return -  though maybe do-able on a calm day with any wind from the prevailing south west.

I hope to try reach Mewslade Beach for lunch, though I can, and do, eat my packed lunch at sea. However, I like to land half-way through a longer trip, if only for my suffering derrierre and to stretch my legs.

Part two (my return to Port Eynon) will be coming soon, a considerably more exciting and interesting experience than the outward journey...I encounter pretty big waves (around certain rock formations) two of which almost capsized me, and a surfer!
In particular places there are some quite big waves.

Plus I have a chat with the (female) lifeguard on the beach at Port you can see at the very end of this video.

Don't miss Part 2!

Coming after that will be a video of my trip Eastwards, past the famous Three Cliffs Bay...


My sincere gratitude goes to the musician for the free use of the joyful music (at the beginning [but not in the intro!] and end of the video) which so reflected my feelings at the start of my first sea kayaking trip since last September, and in such a lovely area as the Gower Peninsula.

All other music (so far) in this and all my other videos, is my relatively amateurish work…my valid (I maintain) excuse being that I only started doing multi-instrumental music around 5 years ago, on a keyboard (a Yamaha Modx 8) I bought some time after retiring. I abandoned doing it a couple of years ago… it is very difficult, all-consuming...and my efforts are not the best.

I am sorry if you suffer when hearing it, and hope that it doesn't put you off my videos! 


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