Medievil - Pumpkin Gorge

Описание к видео Medievil - Pumpkin Gorge

Pumpkin Gorge in my Medievil walkthrough.

The first of two Pumpkin themed levels. You'll have to deal with small Pumpkin boulders that are actually explosive, Pumpkin enemies with their vicious tendrils and Pumpkin roots that block your path and are just a general nuisance.
You can test out your Broad Sword now. Head right as soon as you can and destroy the roots and Pumpkin headed enemies on the way. By the Gargoyle there is a breakable passage to the right, but there's no point until you can collect the Chalice.

Follow the passage along and you'll soon be along the main route and in a circular(ish) main room. Explore here, but leave the northwestern route for now. When you get into the building with a rotating platform, walk clockwise to raise it. It needs a lot of raising....

Soon you'll be in another area with a large central building, circle it before diverging off any paths. Return here when you have the relevant key to kill the Pumpkin dudes and claim the treasure on top of the central building. The next set of puzzles involves floating mushrooms, and hacking down some roots to get a Rune key, which pretty much wraps up the level apart from the last section where you should pick one route and go around it fully so you end up back at the hub type area where you got the final Rune key.

When you have a full Chalice, head back to the level taking that room in the first hub type area that you probably passed. Also, smash the wall near the Gargoyle along the path you diverged off to at the beginning. Follow it along for the Chalice and a vial.


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