English Grammar: Absolute phrases in details

Описание к видео English Grammar: Absolute phrases in details


Hello people!

In this lesson, we will learn what absolute phrase is.

What is an absolute phrase?

An absolute phrase is used to modify the main clause of a sentence; it gives more details about it. And it does not have a finite verb in it - a verb that has its subject and shows tense (time).

What does form an absolute phrase?

1. noun
2. Participle or adjective (generally a participle)
3. Objects and modifiers (optional)


1. she is jumping in the year with joy, her brother coming from China.

"her brother coming from China" is the absolute phrase here that's modifying the main clause of the sentence - she is jumping in the air with joy. "Her brother" is the noun phrase, "coming from China" is the modifying phrase and "coming" is the present participle (V1+ ing).

2. The wedding fixed, everyone is happy.

Absolute phrase - The wedding fixed

3. Our boss shouting in anger, all the team members started working fast.

Absolute phrase - Our boss shouting in anger

4. Her mom being upset, she didn't go to party.

Absolute phrase - Her mom being upset

5. My teacher, her students leaves one by one, is depressed these days.

Absolute phrase - her students leaves one by one

Position of an absolute phrase : An absolute phrase can come in the beginning of a sentence, in the middle of a sentence, and also at the end of the sentence. Generally, it comes in the beginning and at the end of a sentence.

Some important points about an absolute phrase:

1. It starts with a noun or a noun phrase.

2. It does not have a finite verb in it.

3. It modifies the main clause in the sentence.

4. It is offset using a comma.

5. Sentence can make sense without the absolute clause.

Note: An absolute clause can be turned into a subordinate clause and also a sentence. Let us take an example to understand.

Her brother coming from China, she is jumping in the air with joy.

"Her brother coming from China" is the absolute phrase here.

In order to make it a subordinate clause, we need to have a finite verb and a subordinating conjunction before it. Let's make it happen.

• Since her brother is coming from China, she is jumping in the air with joy.

• Because her brother is coming from China, she is jumping in the air with joy.

• As her brother is coming from China, she is jumping in the air with joy.

That's how we make it a sentence.

Her brother is coming from China. She is jumping in the air with joy.

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