Why Is It So Lonely Being a Writer?

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Why is it so lonely being a writer? Most writers care deeply about their writing, but they also find writing to be a very lonely activity. Many writers don’t know any other writers and, even if they’re supportive, their family and friends don’t quite understand what it’s like to be a writer. Added to this is the fact that writing tends to be a solitary pursuit. Most writers write on their own and they don’t have many people who are interested in their work, or who they can show their writing work to and expect unconditional support. Writers may even be afraid to show their work to others because they’ve been criticized in the past or they fear judgment or other negative reactions. So, it’s not unusual for may writers to not even tell the people in their lives that they are writers, or share how deeply meaningful writing is to them. This is why it’s important for writers to find other writers and to form community with other writers. Writers need to be around others who understand what they are going through, and who also understand the struggles of the creative process. It’s important for writers to feel supported, and like they are not all alone as they go through the difficult process of writing a book, or figuring out their writing process. The best way to do this is join a healthy, supportive writers’ group where you can meet other writers who are on the same wavelength and who are going through the same struggles you are going through as a writer.

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