【2時間で完成】わかりやすいベーグルの作り方 こねずに簡単でふわふわもちもち♪

Описание к видео 【2時間で完成】わかりやすいベーグルの作り方 こねずに簡単でふわふわもちもち♪



水 180g
インスタントドライイースト 3g
砂糖 15g
塩 5g
強力粉 300g

③ 粉気が残っていても良いのでひとまとまりになるまでヘラでまとめる。
④ 10分たったら全体をこねるようにヘラで混ぜて丸める。再度10分寝かせる。
⑤ ④をもう一度繰り返し、10分寝かせたらまな板や作業台に取り出して、5個または6個に切り分ける。
⑦ 30分発酵させたら用意しておいたお湯で片面30秒ずつ茹で天板に並べ、


Thank you for watching.

This time, I will introduce how to make a bagel without kneading.
Because it's plain, whether it's jam or a sandwich, it's very satisfying!
The dough is hard to make bagels and it is difficult to knead, but if you devise the recipe and process, you can make it properly without kneading!
Since your hands don't get dirty, the hurdle of bread making is lowered, and the result is a smooth, shiny and magnificent bagel.
We also introduce molding points, so please take a look.

[Recipe] 5 to 6 pieces

Water 180g
Yeast 3g
Sugar 15g
5g of salt
Bread flour 300g

1 Put water in a bowl, warm it in the microwave for 2 to 30 seconds, and make the water lukewarmer than the bath.

Add yeast and melt well.

2 Add sugar and salt, mix lightly, and add strong flour.

3 It doesn't matter if the powder is left, so put it together with a spatula until it is lumpy.

Wrap it with plastic wrap or a wet cloth to prevent it from drying out and leave it for 10 minutes.

4 After 10 minutes, mix and roll with a spatula to knead the whole thing. Let him sleep for 10 minutes again.

5 Repeat 4 again, let it rest for 10 minutes, take it out on a cutting board or workbench, and cut it into 5 or 6 pieces.

Round each and rest for 10 minutes.

6 Molded into the shape of a bagel and fermented for 30 minutes.

After about 20 minutes, start preheating the oven and preparing hot water for ketling (boiling bagels before baking).

7 After fermenting for 30 minutes, boil one side for 30 seconds each with the prepared hot water and arrange it on a top plate,

Bake for 15 minutes in an oven preheated at 200℃.



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