「智慧的探索」公開講座 | 趙志裕教授主講 | 心想事成:美滿人生心理學

Описание к видео 「智慧的探索」公開講座 | 趙志裕教授主講 | 心想事成:美滿人生心理學



研究顯示,「成長型心態」的情侶關係會較為穩定長久。其實,心態不止影響愛情,還影響學業、事業、創意及世界觀。今天(9月23日),在第7場 #55周年校慶「智慧的探索」講座中,中大社會科學院院長、卓敏心理學講座教授趙志裕教授以研究結果說明,若我們相信凡事都可以通過努力而達成,即擁有「成長型心態」,在各方面表現都會較成功的💪💪💪詳情:bit.ly/2l0fnwZ

When it comes to love, do you believe in fate or do you think your efforts count in building a relationship?❤️

Those with a growth mindset believe a relationship needs to be built through the efforts of both. Those with a fixed mindset believe a bad relationship is destined to fail.

Studies show that a relationship stays stronger and lasts longer for couple with a growth mindset. Your mindset doesn't only affect your love, but also your academic performance, career, creativity and world vision. Today (23 September), Prof. Chiu Chi-yue, CUHK Dean of Social Science and Choh-Ming Li Professor of Psychology spoke in the 7th lecture in the CUHK 55th Anniversary 'The Pursuit of Wisdom’ Public Lecture Series. He illustrated with scientific evidence that a growth mindset, in which we believe our talents can be developed with effort, learning and dedication, brings us closer to success. 💪💪💪Details: bit.ly/2m74WI7


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