Building Muscle with Resistance Bands

Описание к видео Building Muscle with Resistance Bands

Whether you train with resistance bands, free weights, or machines, you need to understand the triggers for hypertrophy, or building muscle.

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When we talk about "how to build muscle" there is more than progressive overload, or lifting heavier and heavier. These are the core principles that are ofter overlooked, which could be robbing you of your gains (try not to get distracted by the raging sunburn I had on my face. Haha)

0:18 Muscle Hypertrophy
0:26 The Triggers for Protein Synthesis
1:28 Muscle Building Trigger #1: Mechanical Tension
3:40 Time Under Tension (TUT)
5:38 Muscle Building Trigger #2: Metabolic Stress
6:30 Difference between Lactic Acid and Lactate - What is the Muscle Burn
7:40 Building Muscle on a Keto or Low Carb Diet
8:45 Occlusion Training and Anaerobic Glycolosis
10:09 Tips for a Better Muscle Pump and How the Pump Triggers Hypertrophy
12:15 Why I Prefer Resistance Bands for Building Muscle
12:53 Muscle Building Trigger #3: Muscle Damage and Microtrauma
14:00 Protein Synthesis for Muscle Repair vs Muscle Building
15:30 Eccentric Training or Doing Negatives for Building Muscle
If you're looking to purchase Resistance Bands or a Resistance Bands Workout Program, you can visit where you will find a complete 90-Day Muscle Building Program designed by James Grage.

Episode 2 of RBT or Resistance Band Training with James Grage

Tension Bands


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