How To Fix A Snapped Cassette Tape : How To Splice and Repair A Cassette Tape : You Can Fix It!

Описание к видео How To Fix A Snapped Cassette Tape : How To Splice and Repair A Cassette Tape : You Can Fix It!

If you've ever wondered if you can repair that cherished old cassette tape that snapped a number of years ago, wonder no more. It can be done, with just a few simple materials and lots of patience. Maybe you have an old cassette from decades ago that needs to be spliced. Maybe you have a mix tape from high school that you thought was beyond repair. Worry no can be fixed!

Basically you will just need an Xacto knife, some scotch tape, a couple of coins, a piece of cardboard and lots of patience. A steady hand is helpful too. And if this is your first time ever doing this, please be prepared for a lot of trial and error. But if you stick with it, it's not as hard as you think!

Maybe you have an old recording of your child's first words. Maybe you have a recording of a dearly departed grandfather that you would love to rescue. Watch this video and you can do it!

I post vintage technology related reviews every week. If you are into vintage tape decks, VCRs, laser discs, DVDs, CDs, CD players, old cameras, video cameras, vinyl, turntables, and many other retro items, you will love this channel! Please subscribe and join our family!


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