{ENG SUB} ★ 乾燒伊麵 簡單做法 ★ | Braised E-Fu Noodles with Straw Mushrooms Easy Recipe

Описание к видео {ENG SUB} ★ 乾燒伊麵 簡單做法 ★ | Braised E-Fu Noodles with Straw Mushrooms Easy Recipe

張媽媽【乾燒伊麵】,美味可口,慶祝生日!請Like我的Video和訂閱我的頻道呀! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。

MamaCheung's "Braised E-fu Noodles", a popular dish served at birthday dinner in restaurants! I hope you like it. Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.

#張媽媽 #乾燒伊麵 #stirfrynoodles

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材料(二人份量)Ingredients(2 people portion)
一百六十克伊麵 160g E-fu noodles
六隻草菇或蘑菇 6 straw or button mushrooms
七十克韭黃 70g hotbed chives
一片拍鬆了的薑 1 slice of crushed ginger
一湯匙半素蠔油 1.5tbsp vegetairan oyster sauce
半茶匙生抽 1/2tsp soy sauce
半茶匙老抽 1/2tsp dark soy sauce
半茶匙砂糖 1/2tsp sugar
半茶匙麻油 1/2tsp sesame oil
二百三十毫升清水 230ml water

食譜 Recipe:


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